Cookies are small files stored in your browser that make websites remember you. They can be used for many purposes - one of which is tracking for targeted advertisements.

We value your privacy - no cookies are used to track you.

Our cookies (aka. first party cookies) are essential for the functionality of the e-shop. They do not require user consent according to the European GDPR. No third-party cookies are used on this website.

In detail, our Cookies Shop DEV Joni are used to

  • Remember your choice of language and currency preference
  • Remember if you are signed in to your account
  • To store your items in the shopping cart between page visits
They are temporary and will be removed once you close your browser.

This is how you can confirm our claims (Firefox browser): Press F12 to open the Developer Tools and got to Storage->Cookies. Here you can see all the cookie data specific to the site you are on.